Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Good News

Saw the hand surgeon, a cyclist, yesterday and don't need surgery.  YEA!!  It seems that the treatment for a detached excisor tendon is to keep the digit straight with a splint.   After 6 weeks with the splint I can take it off to exercise the pinkie 4x-6x a day for 2 weeks.  Then 2 weeks of night time wear only.  Hopefully, it will be healed.  If I'm not able to fully straighten it then I'll see another doctor.  You know me well enough to know I'll do whatever is necessary to make sure it gets fixed right the first time.

The doc also said I could start cycling.  I'll give it a few more days since it still hurts when I bump into things.  I'm concerned about not being able to handle the brakes well enough.

1 comment:

  1. Very good news indeed. Sorry to hear your bike needed so much work, and sorry to have missed you when you came up to Apple Valley to collect your stuff. Nancy was OK, as she had bionic knees, and I was out riding with her that morning.
