Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Sakatah-Singing Hills Trail

Another easy morning start.  It is wonderful being on holiday with no deadlines and few expectations.  The day started out clear and cool but by the time we got on the trail it was almost noon and getting hot.  We started in Fairbault, MN and had a late lunch in Waterville, near Lake Sakatah. Thought of my old and dear friend, Phyllis.  I went into an old-fashioned hardware store.  It was crammed to the gills with fabulous "stuff".

The wind picked up to about 15-20 mph as a side wind.  The heat/humidity was worse than the wind.  We are now comfortably ensconced in Hope Oak Knoll Campground south of Owatonna.

The plan for tomorrow is to join TCBC, Twin Cities Bicycle Club, for a ride from Owatonna.  The weather forecast isn't good so we will be flexible.

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