Saturday, June 16, 2012

2012 Two month road trip

It is now Sat, June 16 and I'm in cool, rainy Rochester...68 degrees with 86% humidity.   I have been not on a journey the last 4 days but on a path to reach a destination.

I left Tucson on Tuesday after having dinner with my nephew, Chris, and their family Monday night.  Annabelle, age 5, is a delight to be around with her extensive vocabulary and interest in everything.  Charlie, almost age 3, has to be on the move all the time and is a fantastic cuddler.  Spent a lovely hour visiting with Sue at AJ's Tuesday morning.  She travels more than I and the conversation never flags with both of us telling our tales.  Stopped in Phoenix to visit Josh, Amy and 3 day old Emmett.  He is beautiful, of course, and I'm looking forward to seeing how much he grows in the next 2 months.

Spent the night in Show Low at Pat Jame's house then headed to Colorado Springs early Wednesday morning.  I'm looking forward to cycling with her in Italy in September.  I had several books on CD so the time spent on the interstate flew past.  Jannie and Dave were gracious hosts and after drinks on the old-fashioned front porch we walked to a Bistro for dinner.  One of my favorite activities....walking to an outside dinner.

Left Colorado Springs early Thursday morning heading east.  After driving through some bad weather (beautiful black/purple clouds with lightening) and around a couple accidents on a stretch of road with construction I arrived safely in Omaha.  My friend, Diane in Tucson, introduced me to The Evergreen Club, and I spent the night at a lovely 'B&B' with Dave and Joy Schaal.  Dave is an ex-IBMer and they have traveled extensively.  It was fascinating to hear about their many trips to Kenya and their financial support of several children in their pursuit of an education.

The drive in to Rochester was the shortest day and I was ready for a rest.  I'm staying at Bob and Joan's house.  She had already left for Iowa to help her father celebrate his 90th birthday.  Bob and I went out for dinner then he headed south. 

Now that I've caught up with the present I'm going to try to keep this blog current.  Went to a very warm, but not hot, yoga class this morning and as I'm typing it looks as though the rain is stopping and the clouds are moving on.

Tom arrived in his RV this afternoon and we spent a couple hours driving around Rochester scouting bike trails.  He was impressed with Assissi Heights and the Canadian geese around Silver Lake.

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