Sunday, June 17, 2012

Tourist in Tucson

Sunday started out as a beautiful, sunny day.  Went on an easy ride on the bike paths around Rochester, MN.  I felt like a tourist.  The town has changed experienced a gigantic increase of buildings.  Can't believe the number of relatively new apartments.  Not much doesn't change.  It was encouraging to see that the drivers were still "Minnesota Nice".   
Of course, I had to visit my favorite bike shop...Bicycle Sports. Here is Bob Gritman, owner.  

One of my favorite things is a picnic.  Essex Park in Rochester was sparsely populated with children having a grand time and we had no problem finding a picnic table.   The weather dramatically changed, as is usual for a summer day in Rochester.  Threatening but beautiful, purple and grey cloud formations were moving in from the west.  By the time we got back to Bob's house the heavens had opened and gave the green trees/plants what they need.  

We are now in a the Hidden Meadow Campground in Pine Island.  It is aptly named as it is on the dead end of a dirt road.  I hope I'm going to like camping in an RV.  I'm looking forward to an equally good tomorrow.  We plan to ride the Douglas Trail from Pine Island to Rochester and return.  

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