Sunday, June 24, 2012

Rest Day

Today is a rest day.  The days since the accident have been full and a bit stressful.  On Thursday I returned from the RV camp in Hope, MN to Rochester; dropped off the bike and found it needed parts and a good bit of work so will pick it up on Friday afternoon; had lunch at Chester's with Beth then went to her home.  Made several phone calls and arranged an appt with a hand surgeon for Monday.  That means I'll drive to Mike's house in Charleston on Sat.

When I unpacked at Beth's I realized I had left the hanging bag with clothes in it in Tom's RV.  Guess the stress of the past couple days was working.  So, back in the car Fri morning to drive to Apple Valley.  Returned to Rochester to do laundry and repack.  Sat on the back porch for a great salmon dinner.  The temp was perfect and the wind was non-existent.  The most relaxing and fun since Wed.

Easy 8 hr drive to Charleston then out to dinner and a movie.  I was surprised to thoroughly enjoy The Avengers.  It was actually funny.

Went for an hour walk early this morning and then watched London lose to Italy in the World Cup.

Hope for some good news tomorrow...fingers crossed.

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