Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Good News

Saw the hand surgeon, a cyclist, yesterday and don't need surgery.  YEA!!  It seems that the treatment for a detached excisor tendon is to keep the digit straight with a splint.   After 6 weeks with the splint I can take it off to exercise the pinkie 4x-6x a day for 2 weeks.  Then 2 weeks of night time wear only.  Hopefully, it will be healed.  If I'm not able to fully straighten it then I'll see another doctor.  You know me well enough to know I'll do whatever is necessary to make sure it gets fixed right the first time.

The doc also said I could start cycling.  I'll give it a few more days since it still hurts when I bump into things.  I'm concerned about not being able to handle the brakes well enough.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Rest Day

Today is a rest day.  The days since the accident have been full and a bit stressful.  On Thursday I returned from the RV camp in Hope, MN to Rochester; dropped off the bike and found it needed parts and a good bit of work so will pick it up on Friday afternoon; had lunch at Chester's with Beth then went to her home.  Made several phone calls and arranged an appt with a hand surgeon for Monday.  That means I'll drive to Mike's house in Charleston on Sat.

When I unpacked at Beth's I realized I had left the hanging bag with clothes in it in Tom's RV.  Guess the stress of the past couple days was working.  So, back in the car Fri morning to drive to Apple Valley.  Returned to Rochester to do laundry and repack.  Sat on the back porch for a great salmon dinner.  The temp was perfect and the wind was non-existent.  The most relaxing and fun since Wed.

Easy 8 hr drive to Charleston then out to dinner and a movie.  I was surprised to thoroughly enjoy The Avengers.  It was actually funny.

Went for an hour walk early this morning and then watched London lose to Italy in the World Cup.

Hope for some good news tomorrow...fingers crossed.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


First bike crash...broken little finger and minor road rash.  Will return to Rochester in the morning to get bike repaired.  The finger is in a splint and will need an MRI in a week to see if the extensor tendon needs surgery.  Hope all is healed before the bike rides scheduled for Italy.
Enough for today...need to rest.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Sakatah-Singing Hills Trail

Another easy morning start.  It is wonderful being on holiday with no deadlines and few expectations.  The day started out clear and cool but by the time we got on the trail it was almost noon and getting hot.  We started in Fairbault, MN and had a late lunch in Waterville, near Lake Sakatah. Thought of my old and dear friend, Phyllis.  I went into an old-fashioned hardware store.  It was crammed to the gills with fabulous "stuff".

The wind picked up to about 15-20 mph as a side wind.  The heat/humidity was worse than the wind.  We are now comfortably ensconced in Hope Oak Knoll Campground south of Owatonna.

The plan for tomorrow is to join TCBC, Twin Cities Bicycle Club, for a ride from Owatonna.  The weather forecast isn't good so we will be flexible.

Douglas Trail

It was another hot/humid day in MN....90 degrees with 90+ humidity.

Have you ever come face-to-face with a front end loader on a bicycle trail?  It was a first for me yesterday on the Douglas Trail from Pine Island to Rochester.  It was hard at work clearing downed trees off the trail as the area had experienced severe winds for a couple days.  We didn't have to carry our bikes over trees but there was still a lot of small branches, twigs and leaves.

Had a great dinner with my god-daughter.  She has grown into a lovely young woman and will graduate from HS next year.

The Cannon Valley Bike Trail is closed due to flooding...bummer.  We will head out tomorrow to bike the Sakatah Singing Hills Trail in Fairbault.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Tourist in Tucson

Sunday started out as a beautiful, sunny day.  Went on an easy ride on the bike paths around Rochester, MN.  I felt like a tourist.  The town has changed experienced a gigantic increase of buildings.  Can't believe the number of relatively new apartments.  Not much doesn't change.  It was encouraging to see that the drivers were still "Minnesota Nice".   
Of course, I had to visit my favorite bike shop...Bicycle Sports. Here is Bob Gritman, owner.  

One of my favorite things is a picnic.  Essex Park in Rochester was sparsely populated with children having a grand time and we had no problem finding a picnic table.   The weather dramatically changed, as is usual for a summer day in Rochester.  Threatening but beautiful, purple and grey cloud formations were moving in from the west.  By the time we got back to Bob's house the heavens had opened and gave the green trees/plants what they need.  

We are now in a the Hidden Meadow Campground in Pine Island.  It is aptly named as it is on the dead end of a dirt road.  I hope I'm going to like camping in an RV.  I'm looking forward to an equally good tomorrow.  We plan to ride the Douglas Trail from Pine Island to Rochester and return.  

Saturday, June 16, 2012

2012 Two month road trip

It is now Sat, June 16 and I'm in cool, rainy Rochester...68 degrees with 86% humidity.   I have been not on a journey the last 4 days but on a path to reach a destination.

I left Tucson on Tuesday after having dinner with my nephew, Chris, and their family Monday night.  Annabelle, age 5, is a delight to be around with her extensive vocabulary and interest in everything.  Charlie, almost age 3, has to be on the move all the time and is a fantastic cuddler.  Spent a lovely hour visiting with Sue at AJ's Tuesday morning.  She travels more than I and the conversation never flags with both of us telling our tales.  Stopped in Phoenix to visit Josh, Amy and 3 day old Emmett.  He is beautiful, of course, and I'm looking forward to seeing how much he grows in the next 2 months.

Spent the night in Show Low at Pat Jame's house then headed to Colorado Springs early Wednesday morning.  I'm looking forward to cycling with her in Italy in September.  I had several books on CD so the time spent on the interstate flew past.  Jannie and Dave were gracious hosts and after drinks on the old-fashioned front porch we walked to a Bistro for dinner.  One of my favorite activities....walking to an outside dinner.

Left Colorado Springs early Thursday morning heading east.  After driving through some bad weather (beautiful black/purple clouds with lightening) and around a couple accidents on a stretch of road with construction I arrived safely in Omaha.  My friend, Diane in Tucson, introduced me to The Evergreen Club, and I spent the night at a lovely 'B&B' with Dave and Joy Schaal.  Dave is an ex-IBMer and they have traveled extensively.  It was fascinating to hear about their many trips to Kenya and their financial support of several children in their pursuit of an education.

The drive in to Rochester was the shortest day and I was ready for a rest.  I'm staying at Bob and Joan's house.  She had already left for Iowa to help her father celebrate his 90th birthday.  Bob and I went out for dinner then he headed south. 

Now that I've caught up with the present I'm going to try to keep this blog current.  Went to a very warm, but not hot, yoga class this morning and as I'm typing it looks as though the rain is stopping and the clouds are moving on.

Tom arrived in his RV this afternoon and we spent a couple hours driving around Rochester scouting bike trails.  He was impressed with Assissi Heights and the Canadian geese around Silver Lake.