Friday, January 4, 2013

There is a three pronged theme to my blog this year...bicycling, hiking and space travel.  I plan to post a couple times a week instead of only when I'm out of town as I did last year.

Jan 1 saw me cycling the Tucson Loop path for 59 miles.  It was one of the coldest days of the year and the ride started at 9 am.  It took a good 4 hours and my finger tips and toes never got totally warm.  With that said I had a great time.  There were about 150 people and I saw people I hadn't seen in quite a while.  I hadn't ridden that distance in over 6 months.  Needless to say my muscles were a bit tired that night.

It was a great way to bring in the new year and I hear they may make it an annual event.   I look forward to seeing the improvements to the bike trail by next January.

The cold and now windy weather continued on Jan 3 when we cycled up Mt. Lemmon.   It was even windier than earlier in the week by the time of our regular Friday hiking day, Jan 4.  We hiked Milagrosa trail on the east side of Tucson and saw this 'fixer upper'.  I wonder why no one in our group was interested in it.  You can see from the beautiful blue sky that it was a gorgeous day.

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