Thursday, January 10, 2013
The Overview Effect -
Enjoy some very brilliant thinking on how a person can experience profound changes in their perspective by seeing Earth from space. Well worth the 19 minutes and looks great in HD on full screen!

I expect that many, or most, or perhaps all Future Astronauts will experience the Overview Effect, even if only to a small degree, and I'd guess that seeing Earth from over 100,000 meters would be a part of everyone's reason to fly. Let's hope we can relay our personal experiences to effect some positive change here on Earth.
Thanks to Ron Rosano for posting this on VG FB.
I know I won't get these spectacular views with only a sub-orbital trip but I can continue to dream.


  1. Hi Sally! My name is Gustavo from Spain and I am investigating a case of a C-141 aircrash that happened in 1973. The flight left from Athens, Greece (probably Hellenikon AB) and crashed on aproach to Torrejon AB near Madrid, Spain. 7 people from the crew and 17 passengers died, only one navigator from the Crew survived. Only the name of the survivor was published. I am trying to find more information about the passengers. I know one of the passengers was a Navy Diving Officer but I dont have his name. I would like to know if You could help me, maybe if You were in Nea Makri in 1973 You could remember something about the crash or maybe You know Diving Instructors names or people that I could contact. Thank You in advance, any small help is a lot, Gus. My email address is:

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