Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Brands Hatch, Kent

Chloe and I set out this morning on rented, hybrid bikes this morning from Tower Bridge, London.  The good news is that no one crashed and we had fantastic weather.  We meandered, and I mean really meandered along the Thames cycle path then got lost a couple times.  It took us about 4 hours to go what John said would be about a 2 hour journey.  Seems he had never done it and we made several u-turns...laughing the whole way.  He is a relaxed guide.
The Brands Hatch venue for the Paralympics was well attended and we were able to stand right next to the spot where the racers were 200 meters from the finish.  Unfortunately, our friends Dave and Clark finished 6th. 

Am heading into London tomorrow for my last day here. 

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